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Cookie Policy

This website, like many others, uses cookies.

Cookies enables us to provide a better user experience. Many features on the site are dependent on using and storing cookies.

We use cookies to:

  1. Understand how you use the site and thereby adjust content accordingly making it more relevant for you.
  2. Remember your choices should you exit the page and visit later.
  3. Show you relevant advertising both on and off the Virsabi site.


We use cookies from other online services, called third-party cookies, to:

  1. Analyze traffic. This makes it possible for us gain knowledge about our site, which can be used to improve the site navigation, content and offerings.
  2. Social media. These cookies also make it possible for you use features from other media as “Facebook likes” and “Tweets” and to do other status and update sharing directly from the Virsabi website.


This website is provided and controlled by

Virsabi ApS

VAT: DK38283146


Phone: +45 33232203


What is a Cookie?

A cookie is a small text file that stores Internet settings. Almost every website uses cookie technology. The cookie is downloaded by your Internet browser the first time you visit a website. The next time you visit this website from the same device, the cookie and the information in it are either sent back to the originating website (first-party cookies) or to another website to which it belongs (third-party cookies). By that, the website can detect that it has already been opened using this browser, and in some cases it will then vary the content it shows.

Some cookies are extremely useful because they can improve your user experience when you return to a website you have already visited. This assumes that you are using the same device and the same browser as before; if so, cookies will remember your preferences, will know how you use the website, and will adapt the content you are shown so that it is more relevant to your personal interests and needs.

Cookies on this website that do not require approval

Cookies that are essential, also known as ‘strictly necessary’ cookies, enable features without which you would not be able to use the website as intended. These cookies are used exclusively by this website and are therefore known as first-party cookies. They are only saved on your computer while you are actually browsing the website. An example of why strictly necessary cookies are used is to ensure that what you see on screen corresponds to the data volume which your current Internet connection can handle. Another example of what these cookies do is facilitate a switch from http to https when you change pages, so that the security of data transmitted is maintained. Furthermore, a cookie of this kind is used to store your decision about the use of cookies on our website. Your consent is not required for the use of strictly necessary cookies.


First-party cookies on this website that require consent

Cookies which, in strictly legal terms, are not absolutely essential in order to use this website, do nevertheless fulfill important functions. Without these cookies, features that enable our website to be used easily, such as pre-completed forms, will no longer be available. Settings you make, such as language choices, will no longer be saved, so you will be asked about them every time you change pages. As well as that, we will no longer have a way of presenting offers to you that are tailored to you personally.


The use on this website of third-party cookies that require consent

This website has integrated content belonging to third parties on this website. These third-party providers can place cookies while you visit the website, and in doing so can obtain information about the fact that you have visited the website. Please visit the websites belonging to those third-party providers if you need more information about how they use cookies. If you have decided not to provide your consent to the use of cookies that require it, or if you have revoked that consent, then you will only be provided with website features whose use does not require such cookies. Areas of the website that can potentially incorporate content from third parties, and which therefore place third-party cookies, will not be available to you if that is the case. If you do not want to accept cookies at all, then you can also configure that in your browser.

You can opt-out from cookies from Google Analytics here.
You can send a ‘Do-Not-Track’ request to various advertising networks here here.

Deleting cookies: You can delete cookies you have earlier accepted. If you use a Windows system with a recent browser, you can use the controls CTRL + SHIFT + Delete. If it does not work, you can search for the instructions from you browser vendor. Remember, that if you use more browsers you need to delete cookies in each of them.


If you have questions?

You are very welcome to contact us with comments and questions.

Virsabi ApS

Bredgade 28, 1260 Copenhagen K


VAT/Reg. no. DK38283146

Phone: +45 33232203

Email address:
