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DRinVET - The basis of skills training across Europe with AR, VR, and MR

DRinVET = Digital Reality in Vocational Education and Training

Through the project DRinVET, Virsabi has been part of a pan-European group of companies and institutions that has created a framework for promoting Digital Reality technologies in education, especially in Vocational Education and Training (VET).

The project has concluded with a number of tangible outcomes that will help teachers and trainer utilize virtual reality, augmented reality and mixed reality in their training.

XR Experience


Skills training

The Results

On the project homepage you can find a collection of six results from the project.

We would like to highlight:

  • The Handbook for teachers and trainers that guide you all the way from idea to execution.
  • The Pedagogical Guidelines that contain information for teachers about how to use the tools.
  • Best practices – a collection of examples on best practices from the project partners. A mix of documents, presentations, and videos.


DRinVET is a project aimed at creating tools in Digital Reality (Virtual, Augmented, Mixed Reality) to help teachers and trainers adapt to the new digital environment, especially caused by COVID-19.

The project is a cooperation between public schools and institutions and private companies from seven different European countries. The primary target groups are teachers, trainers, students, and trainees at vocational schools and adult education in Europe.

The main outputs are new guidelines and methodologies for the use of Digital Reality tools that will raise the competencies of teachers and trainers.


There is no doubt that VR, AR, and MR have great potential in training and education. But there are still entry barriers for schools, teachers, and institutions, and this project helps them overcome some of these barriers.

The objectives of the project are:

  • Promote Digital Reality (DR) technologies (AR, VR, MR and XR) in education, especially in Vocational Education and Training (VET).
  • Promote the application of simulators in learning and skills training in VET.
  • Promote a constructivist and collaborative approach in the teaching process.


DRinVET has nine project partners from seven European countries (Croatia, Denmark, Belgium, Romania, Spain, Hungary and Switzerland). The partners have met on a regular basis and shared information and best practices. Together they have developed an extensive framework for how to implement Digital Reality in Vocational Education and Training.

The project is co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.

The project involves 7 partners and 2 associated partners:

All of the partners have different profiles and competences in the field of DR. Linked with the Association for the Promotion of Vocational Training and Higher Education as experienced users of the DR tool, companies that produce simulators based on DR technologies, and a virtual reality development agency.