Virtual Reality Mission Briefing
How to grab the attention of top executives for an advisory board? A self-destructing message in the style of Mission Impossible. Getting hologram briefs like Ethan Hunt. Delivered in a VR experience sent to your office.
Here is the story of how a global corporation used an untraditional method to attract international top executives to their advisory board.
Virtual Reality Experience
Mission Briefing
Adrenaline rush
We could tell you the customer. We could even show you the content. But then of course we would have to … at the very least flash a neuralyzer* in your face.
So, let’s just stick to revealing how we helped a large corporation use VR to attract members to their advisory board.
* An electro bio-mechanical neural transmitting zero synapse repositioner. If you don’t know, you have probably been exposed already.
VR headset in the mail
Top executives are bombarded with messages every day. To get their attention, you need to stand out.
Our customer wanted to give some carefully chosen executives “an offer they couldn’t refuse.” To make sure they got the message, our customer wanted a VR headset to land on the executives’ desk together with a conceptualized box and messaging inspiring them to put the headset on.
As not everyone is familiar with a VR headset, we installed the experience in kiosk mode. All the executives had to do was to sit down, put on the headset, and turn it on.
Iris scan for authentication
With the headset on, the executives were immediately immersed in a small room.
The light, the music, and the interior all resemble the style of the Mission Impossible movies, so of course we needed to start out by identifying the agents. And what better way to do this than through an iris scan. How we made the VR headset perform the iris scan is a secret we will never reveal.
Following the authentication, the CEO of our customer appeared and explained the mission (should they choose to accept it). After which, of course, the message self-destructed in T minus 5, 4, 3 …
We can tell you this much…
Don’t worry – the VR headsets didn’t explode or anything. In fact, the executives could keep them if they accepted the mission. The headsets were Meta Quest 2 that sells for as little as DKK 2.220.
Despite the project having a very short time frame, we were also able to keep the development cost down, as we used the largest possible amount of digital 3D assets from our existing library.
We also had a lot of fun doing this, especially watching spy and agent movies for inspiration. Our challenge was to develop the right atmosphere and make a user experience easy to navigate for un-assisted first-time users of VR.
We are quite proud of the result, and we are ready to build on this experience and assist other customers with a desire to create attention for a busy audience in the most creative, engaging, and inspiring ways.